Monday, August 28, 2023

Miss Cellania's Links

What Was Your Most Embarrassing Moment? One in the post, hundreds in the comments.

Cat-astrophe! 5 Times Cats Made the Police News. (via Strange Company)

What's the World's Oldest Language? (via Digg)

The Early History of Counting. How ancient peoples learned to keep a tally. (via Damn Interesting)  

11 Fictional Bands Who Scored Very Real Hit Songs.

50 Times Men Were Completely Unaware Of The Female Experience.

'Miracle house' owner hopes it will serve as a base for rebuilding Lahaina. And now you are thinking about getting a metal roof. (via Nag on the Lake)

Why Do We Need Three Willie Wonka Movies?

16 Fascinating Facts About the Venus de Milo


  1. > I mentioned how I wish I could buy pants by the waist and length

    That doesn't work for men either, unfortunately.

  2. About the world's oldest language...
    I would think it would be the language of the people of North Sentinel Island. Although no westerners know the language, the tribe has been isolated for an estimated 60,000 years!

  3. So I've been tra-la-la-la-ing all day now. Hope I can sleep tonight.

  4. Why do we need three 'Willie Wonkas'?

    It's not so much what we need, it's what the movie-makers keep making.  And the only reason they keep making them is because we the movie-going public continue to buy tickets to see whatever hot name is in them, no matter how crappy some of these remakes/reboots are.  Heck, Taylor Swift could make a two-hour movie of her doing nothing but reading aloud from back copies of "National Geographic", and it would still make millions because the Swifties would climb all over themselves to fork over their money.

