Thursday, August 31, 2023

Miss Cellania's Links

Duran Duran is Releasing a New Halloween-themed Album, Danse Macabre.

Scientists Treat Severe Injuries in One Eye With Stem Cells From the Other. (via Damn Interesting)

This is so dumb I have to share it. Turn the sound on.

Naomi Klein writes about the horror of being mistaken for Naomi Wolf.

30 Behind-the-Scenes Facts About Star Wars. Actually 29, since one is repeated.

Sad Hill Cemetery
. Its 5,000 or so graves contain no bodies, just a great story.

How to make school life a little less difficult for kids. Actually useful ways to help children with homework, bullying, and mental health.

The Rise and Fall of the Mormon King of Beaver Island.

Generation Gaps. The latest from Tom the Dancing Bug.


  1. OK... The dumb clip made me snort my morning Monster through my nose! What a way to start the morning!

    Happy Almost-Friday, Miss C!

  2. Can we all just agree to call this Friday?

  3. Samuel L. Jackson kept his purple lightsaber. It was engraved with BMF when they gave it to him. We can take it. That dude Mace was a bad monkey fighting snake in that Monday-Friday movie.
