Friday, August 25, 2023

Crows and Human Team Up to Raise a Baby

We've read the research on how smart crows are, and we've heard stories about how they never forget how a particular person has treated them. Amber of Spoiled Rotten Ranch animal sanctuary tells us about a fledgling crow that left the nest before his flight feathers were completely grown. She rescued and protected the baby, while his adult family members continued to feed him as he perfected his flying ability.

Even after the young bird was fully fledged and flown, the crows continue to hang around the sanctuary, where they perform their own protective duties and bring Amber gifts like bottle caps to show their loyalty and appreciation. Now, that's teamwork!

1 comment:

  1. That's super cute. I'd love to make friends with our local crows but they're massive Japanese 'jungle' crows so the rest of my family don't like them. It's also against the law to feed them as they cause a nuisance by ripping open rubbish bags.
