Tuesday, August 22, 2023

18 Years

Today I am commemorating an anniversary that I usually remember a day late, if at all. On August 22, 2005, the first post appeared here at Miss Cellania. 

Eighteen years, can you believe it? I haven't done anything for eighteen years. I've spent less time raising kids, less time in school, less time living anywhere I've ever lived. I've never held a job that long; Neatorama is close, but I got that job because of this blog.

When I started this site, my kids were seven and eight years old. Now Princess goes by "Mama" and Gothgrrl goes by "Doctor." In the time I've been blogging here, I've gone through six computers, two houses, and a husband. And a whole lot of hair colors!

Blogging itself has gone through a lot of changes in that time. I came to it through an explosion of bloggers in 2005, and rode the wave of bloggers being paid for writing. Some of those folks got tired after a while and decided to spend their time doing something else. Some, like me, began to make money at it and turned it into a career. I did that by writing for other, more lucrative sites, which was good because today, people who depend on their own blogs for a living are stressed out and suffering. Social media came along, and while it got millions of people to engage on the internet for the first time, they didn't venture far from the social media sites. It's just easier to rely on a feed than to seek out websites. I am reminded of that every time I repost something from years ago. On the admin side, I can see a list of posts with how many hits it has. The reruns have hundreds, sometimes thousands of views, while new posts peak at a hundred or less. Strangely, I manage to make a couple hundred dollars a year from just that, while back in the day, I made almost nothing for this site. Looks like there's more internet money involved now overall, just spread among way more people. Still, I was never interested in monetization or SEO. It just seemed more trouble than it's worth. 

The decline of blogs means I've lost more jobs than I can count in the last few years, but I am lucky. I'm no longer supporting a family or paying a mortgage, and I'm reaching the age where I don't want to work anyway.

The reason I keep posting on Miss Cellania is because it's a hobby, and I enjoy it. I have no contract to deliver x number of posts a day, and I can take a break when I want to. But I never do, because I so often schedule posts ahead of time. My paycheck doesn't depend on the quality of posts, so I don't stress about it. Like any hobby, it would be easier to just not do it, but I enjoy posting here, and I love to hear from people who read it. I've made some really good friends by doing this. If no one came to read or comment, I'd probably let the site go. But the few readers I have left are well worth it.


  1. Happy Birthday Miss C. I have been lurking on your site for almost all of your 18 years. Thanks you for blogging thru thick and thin! You are my morning go to for the first giggle of the day. I have found other great bloggers thru you and thank you for that.
    Martita from Spain

  2. Congratulations, Miss C.  I raise a glass in your honor.


  3. I have read you every day for years on my old-fashioned RSS reader (which may not show up on your admin stats) and can always count on you to make me laugh and think! Happy anniversary.

  4. Congratulations on this milestone.

    You (as well as Minnesotastan) have the best aggregation site, because you do it for love.

    I am also in the over-eighteen club and also still on Blogger, which was pretty flaky back then but has been remarkably stable for years.

  5. How time flies, thanks for 18 years of good entertainment and always interesting posts. Happy birthday and hopefully many more entertaining posts.

  6. Congratulations! I’ve been a fan since finding you on Neatorama.
    I also have been blogging since 2012 = https://trickpa-formyinformation.blogspot.com/

  7. I would hate to lose you, Miss C! I check your site more than once a day, just to see what's new. I am 81 and have worked at one thing or another since I was a kid. I am now truly retired, as of June, and living in senior independent housing where I'm relishing the luxury of 3 meals a day that I didn't cook and the presence of many new friends. It's like living in the dorm again, in a way. And you are part of the whole picture. Thank you so much!

  8. I can't remember when I started following you, Miss C- I know it was early. A lot has changed in the last 18 years, but you have remained constant with funny, insightful, sometimes tear-inducing and sometimes cringing posts. Thanks for letting us ride along, Miss C! And, may you continue as long as you like!

    Take care, MarkOfIowa

  9. Happy Blogaversary or whatever you want to call it! Been following you since the beginning and this is the first site I check every day (after email LOL). Still lovin it. Keep posting for as long as you enjoy it and I will keep reading it. Seen a number of your recommended blogs come and go - some for who knows why, some because the are no longer with us. Hope you are around for a long time. Cheers.

  10. Love your blog. You are, also, my go-to-morning website. Thank you and happy birthday, dear Miss Cellania.

  11. Congratulations! What an accomplishment!

  12. Happy Blog-Birthday!

  13. I’ve been coming to your site since early2006. I’ve driven through your town traveling from Little Rock to Henderson, KY. I’ve thought about you during those drives and wished you the best. I recall YesButNoButYes, Neatorama, and a mental Floss. Glad you’re still posting

  14. Thank you Miss C. I think I've been a loyal fan from almost the beginning.

  15. I come here daily for the varied interesting videos, jokes, and links. Thank you for entertaining us for all these years!

  16. Thank you for many years of entertainment! I do hope you continue posting, but enjoy some semi-retirement! Good luck and Congratulations on your anniversary

  17. Happy Anniversary! I've been with you a long, long, time and you're quite the gal. I wish you all the best and many more years of the greatest blog.

  18. Think I mentioned before that I first 'met' you over on yesbutnobutyes where you were a regular contributor and once mentioned you had your own site but were thinking of closing it because no one visited it. Hah! Sadly, I guess ybnby is really not coming back as the site is finally gone. The Presurfer still exists in the ionosphere though. But I digress.

    One of the things that has always impressed me is the reach of your blog. From New Zealand even! 🤣 Based on the comments you've quite the global audience. You've built a good thing here and as long as you keep it up I'll be along for the ride. Happy anniversary Miss C.

  19. Happy Blogoversary, Miss C! Thanks for all the fun, laffs and quality material you provide us! I always enjoy coming here and seeing what amuses you. Blog on, Miss C, blog on!

  20. Lisa from Halifax, NS8/22/2023 11:25:00 AM

    Wow - that's a lot of years! I have been following you for most of them and have enjoyed the content immensely. You find such interesting things to post :)
    Thank you!

  21. Thank you! I still log on every day!!!

  22. — Brother Bill8/22/2023 11:44:00 AM

    I've been following you since I was born.

  23. Congrats :) I enjoy your blog and it is part of my morning coffee 'trapline'.

  24. Congratulations ! Been with you on this journey almost from the beginning. Check-in everyday and always find something interesting. Thanks for your hard work.

  25. Happy 18th Blogoversary, Miss Cellania! I've only been reading your posts for about 4 years, but you've provided this Canadian with many LOLs, so thank you!!

  26. Happy anniversary! Thank you for giving us so much all these years.

  27. It started two months before I bought my truck and stood up better. LoL
    I'm amazed at the broad range of stuff you post, much of the topics are far more interesting than I would have imagined... but that may be due to your magic touch.
    You done good, thank you.

  28. can't thank you & Alex of neatorama enough for all the laughs and inspiring links over the years

    Happy Anniversary!

  29. Congratulations on this milestone! Like others above Miss Cellania is one of my first stops each day. The world would be a slightly poorer place without you.

  30. Congratulations on 18 years! I have been one of your fans for a long time. I've especially enjoyed reading bits and pieces about your life from raising your kids, to buying, then remodeling your house, nurturing your garden, all that salsa (yum!) and of course your kitty stories. Thank you for the years of entertainment.

  31. I can't tell you how much more valuable I find a stream curated by one non-algorithmical human, and still using RSS, compared to one curated by our future AI overlords (and stripped, here in Canada, of all its news content). Thank you for all you do.

  32. Congratulations on 18!
    I think I've been reading your blog since about when you started! How time flies
    Thank you for all the educational, interesting fun posts
    We are thankful for you and your talents!

  33. One by one the handful of bloggers I pay attention to stop blogging. I ran across yer blog very early on and liked your style, so I kept visiting. Thanks for sticking with it.

  34. Big congratulations to you from the east. I think I've been coming to your site for a long time, though I don't know if it's 18 years. Your consistency, your friendliness and good humor, and all the posts finds have been steady and enjoyable for all that time. It's a lot of work to do anything on a regular basis, let alone keep entertaining fare as we go. Thanks a million for all you do, because it's a great enjoyment to come around for a laugh or learn something new. Long live Miss Cellania and long live the kaleidoscopic hair colors
    much appreciation from Vic

  35. Congratulations, and happy blogiversary!

  36. I just want to say a big Thank You MissCellania. I've been reading your blog for I don't know how long (I think I originally found your site via a repost on the Jay-Walk blog on Google+). Your blog helps me get through my work day and your curation is so good that I have to ration out my visits to make sure I've got something new to see when I need it. Thanks once again, and I really hope you keep going for years to come yet.

  37. Thank you, everyone, for those kind words.

  38. Congratulations on your blogoversary! Yours is one of only two blogs I read every single day, and you have been the gateway for my exposure to many fascinating things that have led to related posts on my own blog. I'm glad you continue to enjoy it, and I hope we can all enjoy your blog for many years to come!

  39. I first came across your site in 2009. I start my day be checking the weather then look to see what you have discovered and shared. Thank you.


  40. Ever since I discovered this blog back in the late Aughts it's been a part of my morning routine... weekly. I save up the weekend posts for Monday morning. I consider Miss Cellania a public service.

    As an aside, I had a blog myself for many years starting in 2006. The focus was local, but I never hesitated to talk about whatever national or personal stuff I felt like discussing. People were astounded to hear how many people were following my blog. All the local politicians collectively breathed a sigh of relief whenever I posted about pretty flowers or something like that. But blogs were fleeting and no longer cutting edge, people have moved on. Unlike you Miss Cellania, I did not have the drive to continue after interest in blogs dropped off. For me it just became a chore and I ended it.

    I sure hope you keep posting and never let blogging devolve into a chore. I'll keep reading!

  41. I have followed you for many years through home renovations, a marriage, etc. Thank you for brightening so many of my days. With me at 81 who knows who will 'quit' first. So far, I'm still in it to win it!

  42. Happy 18 years! Yay ! I'm just another lurker out there (In Colorado Springs)
    and yes, I've been a pretty faithful reader for almost all of those years. I'm glad that you're still going strong, I'll continue to be a fan.

    Excelsior! DN

  43. Happy blogovesery Miss C. I've been following you since Moses was a pup. So glad you stuck with it.

  44. Happy Anniversary! You are one of the few sites I visit daily and have been doing it for many years. I really enjoy your selection and have found many new favourites through you.

  45. I'm among those who are glad you continue.

  46. Been here for many (probably most) of those 18 years. Thanks for providing lots of fun links that happen to vibe with what I like.

