Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Strange Planet

You know those cute aliens who do everything earthlings do, except they use very literal language that makes us laugh? They love each other, their three-eyed dogs, and their vibrating cats. Their creator, Nathan W. Pyle has teamed up with Dan Harmon to brings those aliens to TV, and here's the official trailer. The series Strange Planet will premiere on Apple+ streaming on August 9th.  (via Fark


  1. Damn! Apple+ is starting to have lots of good stuff on it. I may have to subscribe again.

  2. If the trailer is any indication, the gags are going to come fast and furious.  By the time you fully understand the joke, you'll already have missed the next three.  
    I also resent being forced to subscribe to a streaming service like Netflix, Apple, Peacock, or something else in order to watch it.  To me, that's like having to purchase a theater in order to watch a movie.

