Friday, July 21, 2023

Miss Cellania's Links

Woman Accidentally Shoots Phone with Arrow. It still records her reaction.

Flood Damaged Cars Are Coming To Your Local Facebook Marketplace.

The Fastest Wiener in the West.

Telephone operation was a good career for women. Then it got automated. (via Damn Interesting)

You Hauled the Whole Farmers Market—Now What? Learn the best ways to store, ripen, and schedule your produce for eating.

The Sad Tale of Ethelbert the Orca.

Pictograms Gone Wild. See if you can figure this sign out.

According to his obituary, Craig Johnstone Kingsbury led a singularly full and interesting life. (via Metafilter)


  1. Love the farmers markets except now you’ve taken out the middle human giving you 10 cents on the dollar, allowing you to sell direct to consumer but y’all cabal to charge 3x retail price!?

  2. Guilty of produce binging. Will try some of these tips. Thanks for posting.

  3. Typical today, three excellent shots then distracted by a phone she murders an innocent bystander with a stray arrow.

    Ethelbert sounds like they didn’t know if it was male or female so they named it both. They really had no reason not to just leave it alone except the term Orca didn’t mean much because they were usually know as Killer Whales.

    The sign is pretty easy except I didn’t know what the arrow was about.

    Mr Kingsbury, “He was always available to give advice about animals, plants, things natural and not.”, and not? He makes me wonder if the third marriage is a charm?
