Thursday, July 27, 2023

Miss Cellania's Links

Taking the First Steps Into a Newly Formed Volcanic Underworld. More than a year after a devastating eruption in the Canary Islands, a team is exploring a braided network of still-hot lava tubes. (via Damn Interesting)

27 Common Misconceptions About Everyday Life. 

Oyen the Orange Cat Is Officially Part of This Malaysian Capybara Herd.

Death on the Driver’s Side. (via Strange Company

Exaggerated Fruit On Vintage Postcards. Back when you had to do Photoshop in your photo shop. (via Everlasting Blort)

Get a Look at the New Sequel to The Exorcist.

Lucky Ducky in "That's Entertainment!" The latest from Tom the Dancing Bug.

How the Kentucky Cave Wars Reshaped the State’s Tourism Industry.

French Titles of American Movies Are in English. See if you can figure out why from the examples.


  1. Eliza McGraw’s article for Smithsonian about the “Cave Wars” was interesting but two glaring errors. She wrote “...or climbed onto the vehicles’ running boards—narrow platforms attached to car doors—“
    Running boards on cars and trucks or trolleys for that matter were never attached to doors. The whole point was using them to get in and out with the door open.
    Ok, that’s minor faux pas to the story, but the second one is very direct...
    “knocked over a 27-pound boulder that pinned his ankle in place.” He died pinned by a 27 lb rock?
    Lexington Herald-Leader article say that rock was 8 tons which makes much more sense.

  2. Both of those are very wrong, and I totally did not see them. Floyd Collins was pinned by a huge boulder PLUS lots of other rock that kept anyone from digging far enough to see where his foot was pinned. No hope for amputation, even if they could get a doctor down there.
