Thursday, July 20, 2023

Miss Cellania's Links

Is the new Barbie film worth seeing? The answer is yes.

The Real History Behind Christopher Nolan’s Oppenheimer

The Iowa State Fair has 64 new fair foods, including three finalists for the title of Best New State Fair Food. They are all gloriously decadent combinations of pork and cheese.

Geopsychology: Your personality depends on where you live. (via Strange Company)

How many brothers can own one restaurant? The internet responds. The number may be infinite. (via Neatorama

An Honest Trailer for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3.

10 of the World’s Most Controversial Gemstones. Sparkly rocks with no inherent value that were stolen, exploited, extorted, or otherwise nefariously obtained.

What we imagined climate change deniers would say…   The latest from Tom the Dancing Bug.

10 things to do at Comic-Con now that the stars are on strike.


  1. Next week – July 23-29 – Iowa's answer to the Tour de France will roll off from Sioux City IA on its way across the state, finishing up seven days later in Davenport.  One of the most eagerly anticipated sights along the course every day is the pink-painted school bus of Mr. Pork Chop, who has been a fixture on the ride since the 1980s (Facebook link here –  He serves freshly-grilled inch-thick 'Iowa Cut' pork chops, cooked in massive grill-cages over corn-cob fed grills, with riders willing to stand in line to receive one hot off the grill in a napking, and just grab hold of it and chow down.   Far better than most of the 'fair food' I've seen at Iowa, Minnesota, or Wisconsin state and county fairs.

    Except for the Lutheran lunch ladies stand at the Minnesota State Fair.  The plate lunches they serve are so good you might consider changing religions.


  2. It is the 50th Anniversary of the Register's Annual Bike Ride Across Iowa (RAGBRAI)- The paper has a lottery to assign 8,500 week-long passes but daily counts of cyclists go up to 10-20,000. They are expecting the ride from Ames to Des Moines this year to reach upwards of 100,000 cyclists...

    I will be at the Iowa State Fair the first day, as I have for over the last 50 years. And I will be trying Grinder Ball and Pork-Belly Pinwheel for sure!

  3. Guardians of the galaxy appears to be dead.

    Is the new Barbie film worth seeing? No thank you.

    Geopsychology has all these lovely maps in shades of orange and blue but no key to what the colors mean.

    I addition to Ketsu-go plan for defense of the homeland, one of the justifications of Hiroshima was the rush to end the war before Russia invaded Japan, knowing they would never give it up.
    There were 5 million leaflets dropped prior to Hiroshima and more before Nagasaki as well as radio broadcasts every 15 minutes around the clock saying get out of the cities.

  4. Bruce, on the maps, blue is lower than average, and and orange is higher. That's made clear by the text.

  5. It took me a minute to figure you meant the Guardians LINK was dead, not just the franchise. Fixed now!

  6. Not any more, Miss C.  I haven't got my full leg strength back after last year's accident ... and of course, when you fall down a couple steps and break three bones in one fell swoop, you start to get a little gun-shy about things that could result in more of the same.  
    Plus, it's just not the same fun ride it was back in the early days (the 1970s and 1980s).  Between all the corporate sponsorships, the heavy-handedness of the Iowa State Patrol in order to keep riders moving, the sheer number of people now taking part, the number of personal support vehicles (motorhomes, camper trailers, school buses converted into party buses) tagging along, and the over-the-top planning for entertainment in the overnight towns — seriously, holding something called the RAGBRAI concert series and bringing in bands like the Spin Doctors, Hairball, Lynyrd Skynyrd, and Foghat? – I just think it's gotten too big for its britches.

