Friday, July 28, 2023

Brownie Math

A normal person would look at this, buy one brownie, and walk away laughing. The person who took the picture said he tried to explain it to the cashier but got nowhere. Redditors decided you should buy one brownie, then buy two brownies, then return three brownies. You might prefer cookies, but buying them separately would be too much of a time sink to save three cents, and you'd probably end up paying more in sales tax, if your state collects sales tax on food. (via reddit)


  1. I *must* be slow and stupid...
    please, someone explain it to me.
    As near as I can tell, you're losing money for nothing to buy 3 brownies.


  2. Unless?...
    by buying one at a time to save from the 5.00 price?

    (OK, yeah... after re-reading the caption thinking one-at-a-time...
    I *think* I get it now.)


  3. It's modern arithmetic.
    Teachers don't correct mistakes because it might upset the pupils.

  4. Teachers sometimes don’t correct mistakes because the parents get upset. Kids are usually fine with it.
