Friday, April 28, 2023

The Fighting Skills of Animals

Imagine if every creature in the animal kingdom had to battle against a punching bag. Now make it funny. That's what this video is all about. Every animal has their own strengths and weaknesses. If you don't have muscle, you can always confuse your enemy into submission, or even cause him to laugh until he falls. Jiemba Sands can imagine and impersonate it. Note that he doesn't always win the fight. A punching bag can be a formidable opponent when you are a just a tiny spider. Sands came about his athletic and artistic skills honestly, as part of the Sands Family Circus. That means years of training and practice. (via reddit)


  1. Why did he do a penguin twice?

    Also, a skunk uses its odor to scare away predators, not kill or get its food.

    The sloth was great, as well as the videographer's laugh.

  2. Two different Penguin strategies, maybe the 4 ft birds and 2 ft birds.
    Even with years of training/practice he had to be sore after that.
