Friday, April 28, 2023

Miss Cellania's Links

An Overview of Walpurgis Night/Valborg/Hexennacht/Beltane.

When Deadly Steamboat Races Enthralled America.  (via Damn Interesting

Jeanne Simmons' Womanscapes. Photography that melds bodies and the environment.

The great European house cat migration. (via Kottke)

An Honest Trailer for Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania.

Age 80 is different in 2023 than in 1776 – but even back then, a grizzled Franklin led alongside a young Hamilton.

Almost Every Shelter Cat in Clever Video Gets Adopted.

A Brief Compendium of Places With Secret Passages. They either have a detailed history or else are still a mystery. 

Mattel introduces first Barbie with Down syndrome. (via Neatorama)


  1. -sigh- I finally just got all the Christmas stuff boxed and put away and it's Half-O-Ween already. Since it's America, I could celebrate both the 30th and the 1st and get away with it, but I lean toward the Finnish tradition of the 1st - more alcohol and sugar involved. Break out the Absinthe!

    Happy Friday Miss C!

  2. Hey, thanks for that Womanscapes video -- wonderfully powerful images!

  3. Yes, 80 is different today than in 1776; however, Franklin was brilliant so I could imagine he would still be spry and helpful at 80.

  4. A most valuable service of elder statesmen is to encourage hesitant younger colleagues with good ideas to act on them.
