Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Online Gym

This may sound silly, but with Zoom, the instructor can see whether students are participating in their homes. Princess went to a college that required every student to take a swimming class as one of their PE courses. Most take it as freshmen, but she was a transfer student and only attended the last two years. Swimming was put off in deference to her major, and she was set to graduate in August 2020. That became a problem when the school closed in March for the pandemic. It's super hard to take swimming online. She ultimately clepped out of it due to the fact that she knew how to swim, and had plenty of extracurricular physical activities like 5K runs and a dance club. (via Bad Newspaper)

1 comment:

  1. I went into a brand new high school as a 10th grader and it had a pool. I think to justify the cost we were required to pass junior life saving in order to graduate which caused a lot of grousing by some students.
