Friday, February 24, 2023

Miss Cellania's Links

The 2023 Mister Global Pageant National Costumes, Ranked.  

50 Hilarious Cat Names That Crack Vets Up Every Time.

Fat, Sugar, Salt … You’ve Been Thinking About Food All Wrong. Scientists are asking tough questions about the health effects of ultra-processed diets. The answers are complicated—and surprising. (via Digg)

Who Was the 1920s Moulin Rouge Drag Queen Who Inspired Man Ray and Cocteau?

Happy Birthday To Raymond Scott’s "Powerhouse," The Most Iconic Song In Cartoon History. (via Kottke

Americans Are Ignoring the One True 'Superfood': Pulses.

Star Wars: 15 Most Evil Villains From the Empire. 

Who would you save in a burning building?

Medieval Pantry Stocked With Spices Found in 500-Year-Old Shipwreck.


  1. Enjoyed the Cat Names and Barbette ones!

  2. Mr. Global looks like a collection of national superheros.

  3. Yeah those Mr Global outfits would look pretty silly on me.

    Now, Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, three films that’s all there ain't no more.
    That’s Star Wars, everything else are leeches, posers, Star Warsish, Star Wars type, in the Star Wars mold, they are not Star Wars.

  4. I got my first cat by accident, literally, in 1981. Didn’t have a clue what to name him until we went to the movie Caveman. There were only around 30 "caveman" words in it:

    Tala: Atouk!
    [hugs Atouk]
    Lar: Ah! Ha-Ha! Atouk. Tala. Zug-zug.
    Tala: Mmm. Atouk. Tala. Zug-zug?
    Atouk: Nah. Atouk zug-zug Lana.
    Tala: Lana?

    I looked at one of my friends: "Zug Zug! That's it." So Zug Zug it was. Sometimes shortened to Zuggy. He lived around 19 years and was my best friend. Over time, except to me, the meaning of his name was lost/unknown. Then one day. WTF? REALLY? Boy did I catch some hell.

    Happy Friday Miss C!

  5. Epazote herb helps against digestive gas from eating pulses, beans, meat and more.

  6. I could not stand beans as a kid but eat them several times a week now. They are tasty and the 'musical' aspect keeps the 10year old in me happy :P

  7. Bruce: actually, George Lucas had 9 films in mind; he said this as the hype for Star Wars (A New Hope) was heating up.

    So, if you want to just keep to Star Wars main story and ignore the origin movies or whatever, you still have 9 to watch and/or collect.
