Wednesday, February 22, 2023



  1. The sun doesn't GO anywhere, they just turn it down a bunch, Poindexter.

  2. I once struck up a conversation with the clerk in a video rental store (yeah, this was long ago) about absurd movie plot devices (Face/Off was playing on the store monitor). The conversation drifted to absurd things people believe in the real world. The clerk said her (best friend? older sister?) once dated a "retired Navy SEAL" who explained that on cloudy/overcast days when you never see the sun, this is because the sun is not actually up there.

    He also explained that very expensive luxury/performance cars "like Rolls-Royce or Mercedes" are not sold by ordinary car dealerships. They are sold by secret dealerships which operate from parking lots behind grocery stores and shopping centers. If you can afford a car like that, then you will know someone who will know how to get in touch with one of those dealerships.

  3. I often wonder if these sorts of people are really that stupid/ignorant, or just extremely bad at communicating the correct understanding of the world.

  4. Or they're being funny, maybe even testing your gullibility.

  5. My gullibility isn't even in the dictionary.
