Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Goats Feasting on Christmas Trees

What do you do with your cut Christmas tree when the holiday is over? In Maine, people take their trees to Sunflower Farm Creamery, where the Nigerian dwarf goats appreciate them to no end. On the day after Christmas, they received their first tree, which was fed to a buck and five nanny goats. Two are suspected of being pregnant already. The goats will strip each tree of needles and bark, and the trunk and any remaining branches will be used for scratching posts. If you are in the area, you can leave your tree outside the fence and they will be allotted to the goats one at a time. If you don't live nearby, there may be a goat farm that could put your old tree to good use.


  1. Personaly I put in back yard and use as kindling for green egg

  2. It's an annual tradition. . .

    Christmas Trees

  3. No tinsel or spray snow though.
