Friday, November 25, 2022

Knock Knock


  1. I think this is a riff on unwanted junk mail and phone solicitations from realtors trying to persuade you to sell your house. I get those almost weekly for a house I own half of but don't live in.

  2. I get these solicitations by text, with the same weird way they slot the address in.

  3. On a related note, I have an old car. If I park it too far away from the driveway (have to if I want to keep it under a tree for shade), I usually will find a note from someone wanting to buy my car.

  4. I live in a different world, far, far across the sea ... I never get unsolicited offers to buy my house. Is it because a sea change a 'decade years' ago changed my desire to please others visually ? Is it to fool would be burglars regarding the goodies housed inside ? Either way there come no flirtatious missives from, what we here in (insert name of overseas country) call real estate agents.

    My small collection of ageing but not yet classic Swedish cars suffer the same neglect, apart from the rare occasion when another 'Saabnut' strays close.

    But thanks for the Xplanation, I had wondered.
