Saturday, November 26, 2022

Infinite LEGO Domino Machine

We know how much fun it is to topple a row of dominoes. What's not so fun is picking them up again, or even worse, aligning them upright again. Could someone design a machine that does that? That would be pretty complicated, because dominoes may fall in exact lines, but they end of on the floor in a jumbled mess. Grant Davis not only made a machine that can reset dominoes even when they misalign, he made it entirely out of LEGO parts! More than 4,000 LEGO pieces, which took him between 300 and 400 hours to conceive, design, and build. It picks up dominoes, stacks them in alignment, and topples them, too. (via Gizmodo)


  1. This was a wonderful video- Thanks, Miss C!

    Happy Saturday- hope you had a great Thanksgiving!

  2. Thanks, Mark, and you as well! We are actually feasting with the family today, since a couple of people had to work all week.

  3. I trust you had a good dinner, and the time with your family went well.  Hope you come back tomorrow, rested and refreshed, because Sunday is MY b'day, and the best present I could get would be another year of this blog.


  4. Happy Birthday, "BB"- and many more from Iowa. I second your wish!
