Friday, October 21, 2022

Miss Cellania's Links

How to Make Emus Grow Big and Strong.

The Gangs of New York to Become a Television Series. (via Boing Boing)

The 15 Scariest Cults You’ve Never Heard Of. After reading, you'll feel lucky to just fall in with a group that wants all your money.

The Absolute Worst “Sexy” Halloween Costumes of 2022.  (via Metafilter)

The Finnish version of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire opened with a question that would be NSFW in the US. It was really funny to the 70% of Finns who know English.

40 Examples Of Writers Leaving Fun And Unique Surprises “Dedicated To Those Who Read The Dedications.” 

The Case of the Rotating Ovals.

How to keep your Jack-o’-lantern from turning into moldy, maggoty mush before Halloween. (via Atlas Obscura

An Oral History of Lilo & Stitch. (via Metafilter)


  1. ~ Sexy anonymous commenter costume ~

  2. Looks like the Millionaire clip is deleted, but I found this alternate:

  3. There's no bad answer, really.

  4. This comment is dedicated to Miss Cellania. As you slide down the bannister of life, may the splinters never be pointed in the wrong direction.

    Happy Friday!

  5. The worst sexy costumes article is four years old.

  6. No sexy anti-vaxer?

  7. Yeah, I screwed up on the sexy costumes link, but it's fixed now!

    Happy Friday, gwdMaine!

  8. Pope costume is not sexy enough! :)

  9. What's even nicer is if you can meet the author and he inscribes a copy of one of their works for you.  I once met Sir Terry Pratchett, and he signed a copy of "Good Omens" (which he co-wrote with Niel Gaiman) for me, along with a hand-written comment that "We made the Devil do it!".

    I'm holding out hope that I get to meet Mr. Gaiman sometime soon, so I can get him to autograph the book as well.


  10. My emu can beat up your emu.
