Monday, October 31, 2022

Miss Cellania's Links

Check Out Galleries of Awesome Halloween Costumes from Adults, Children, and Pets

10 Terrifying Haunted Trees and Forests. 

Vintage Halloween Snapshots To Haunt Your Dreams. (Thanks, WTM!)

What Happens to Babies Born on Planes. (via Metafilter)

A Modern Trial by Ordeal, for Ye Accused Abortionists. The latest from Tom the Dancing Bug.

The Only Known Mammal to Communicate by Stridulation.

Why Horror Is So Damned Fun. We go inside Denmark’s Recreational Fear Lab to learn why our brains crave a good scare.

There's a Fascinating Reason These Astronauts' Eyes Look So Strange. (via Damn Interesting

The 7 Deadly Sins of Taking Your Kid Trick-or-Treating. This year could be a cherished memory for your children and neighbors! (Thanks, WTM!)


  1. > What Happens to Babies Born on Planes

    The airline charges them for a seat and adds a baggage fee?

  2. Great costume galleries! Happy Halloween, Miss C!

  3. Yes, the costume galleries had some great thinking and crafting.
    Everyone should be aware that horror is not fun for everyone. Be aware if you sneak up on someone, even a good friend, to scare them, you may get punched. It can be an automatic response to being startled.


  5. That tenrec link was fascinating. Thank you!
