Thursday, October 27, 2022

Honest Trailer: Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power

The first season of Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power on Amazon Prime has wrapped. Should you binge watch it? Screen Junkies seems to like it, but warn that it's complicated with so many characters to keep up with. If you like this kind of thing, you'll want to catch up on the first season because there are four more to come, and this isn't the kind of series you can jump in later and figure out who's who.

1 comment:

  1. I give it a 3 out of 5, which is close to IMDB's 6.9. The 2nd (and possibly 3rd) seasons are a given. Not sure it will go beyond that if the writers don't tighten things up.

    If you can speak elvish (seriously), then go ahead and binge - screaming hateful obscenities all the way. Otherwise you may want to take it a bit more slowly and do some research to figure out what the hell's going on.

    And then there's Doogie Howser playing Elrond, Forest Gump as High King Gil-Galad, and your nice old grandfather as Celebrimbor. Three casting decisions that pretty much guarantee it will never rise above a '3' for me.
