Monday, October 31, 2022

Halloween Nostalgia

In the 1950s and '60s, Halloween was a holiday totally built around kids. That was mainly because there were so many of us! That's why we were called the Baby Boom generation, and those kids were concentrated in suburban neighborhoods. Parents didn't go trick-or-treating with us, because everyone had older siblings or close neighbor kids to group together. If Halloween makes you long for the carefree days of homemade costumes (which were often awful but we were proud of them anyway) and homemade treats that no one was afraid of), this video will let you relive those memories. It also explains how Halloween became scarier in the 1970s, when families became smaller and adults started to take over the holiday.

1 comment:

  1. Yep. This brought back some happy memories. Awesome time last night. After two years of COVID restricted numbers, set a school night record of +/- 300 trick or treaters. Temperature in the 50s sure helped. Downright balmy up here for this time of the year.
