Sunday, October 23, 2022

7 Myths British People Believe About America

Americans love to hear what the rest of the world thinks of us, whether it's true or not. We know that Hollywood crafts what other countries know about the US. Laurance Brown of Lost in the Pond tells us the things he thought were American that turned out to be just not so.


  1. Great video. I really like this guys sense of humor.

  2. His examples, like everything else, you can't say isn't here because it likely is in some corner of the country. Every burg has it's idiosyncrasies often influenced by the Amish, Mormon or other group in the area.

  3. As an American, I don't particularly care what other countries think of the U.S.

    Also, many Americans also say "washroom" when referring to the bathroom.

    But this video reminds me of a quote: The U.S. and England--two countries separated by a common language.
