Saturday, October 22, 2022

200 Bassists

My husband was a bass player, and when I saw "200 bassists," it struck me as the beginning of a joke. Yeah, I've heard all of them. But I also knew it must be Rockin' 1000, because that's the only way you'd get this many of them together outside of a joke. The bass guitar section of Rockin' 1000 played "Under Pressure," originally by Queen with David Bowie, with that ever-recognizable bass line and all the melodies and flourishes played only on bass guitar. They were led by Charles Berthoud, who played the vocals ...on bass. (via Laughing Squid)


  1. Best bass line ever is the riff from J. Frank Wilson's "Last Kiss".
    Prove me wrong.


  2. Mr. Bill: while that is a good song, I think a better bass line is in the theme from the show "Barney Miller."

    The bass line from Pink Floyd's "Money" is great, too.

    1. The bass line from "Barney Miller" is a direct rip-off of a bass lick from "Rock and Roll Is Music Now" by James Taylor from his album 'Walking Man" released in June, 1974. "Barney Miller" debuted in January, 1975. Well, I think it's suspicious, anyway.

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