Saturday, September 24, 2022

Bookman vs. Seinfeld

Jerry is confronted by a library detective over a book he didn't return to the library 20 years before. Mr. Bookman is played by Philip Baker Hall. You have to wonder how many times they had to do this skit since you know Jerry kept breaking up. He still can't keep a straight face in this take, but it was probably the best one they could do.

If you are young or from a different culture, this is hilarious because Mr. Bookman is doing a parody of Joe Friday's lectures in the old cop-centric series Dragnet. (via reddit)


  1. He's good, reminds me of the Claude Cooper's Copper Clappers skit on Carson.

  2. But he's right about all of that. Everything the old man says is true. When you check out a book, don't tear it or get it wet or get food on it. Don't scribble on it. Don't break the binding. Bring it back when you promised to bring it back. Further: wear respectful clothes and shoes into the library, not Hawaiian shirts and baggy shorts and zoris. You're in the books' home, not some whorehome.

    The general you. I'm not speaking specifically to you. I know you folks are the right kind of parents.

  3. I'd love to see the outtakes from this to see if the wonderful PBH ever broke up himself!

  4. Marco, you'll drive away half the library patrons when you start dictating dress code. Best to make everyone welcome.

  5. Bruce, I was kidding about the clothes. I'm sorry that wasn't clear. Of course it shouldn't matter what you wear, just as long as you have /something/ on between your warm damp parts and the chair. A towel would work.
