Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Birthday Mouse

Today is my birthday. I usually don't mention how old I am, but this year, the Beatles wrote a song about it. (via Fark)


  1. Happy Birthday, Miss C! You're still a youngster -- a whole year younger than me!

  2. Happy birthday! A whole year younger than me, too.

  3. Congratulations! Next year Medicare. 18 months later, Social Security. As if you didn't have enough to look forward too.

  4. Wow. You've successfully completed another transit around the sun. Commendable. Now if you could just get back to work, that would be great.

    Seriously, don't know about you, but I've reached the age where the time I wake up used to be the time I went to bed.

    Happy birthday Miss C.

  5. Happy birthday, youngster! Yeah, you are multiple years younger than I am. But you no doubt have your own wonderful set of memories. I hope you have some celebration (even if small) planned, or have a treat today. And happy National Scarf Day and National Chocolate Milk Day.

  6. My birthday too, but I've got 14 years on you. No matter, enjoy your day!
    Have your cake and eat it too... start with 2 cakes.

  7. Today is your birthday, too, Bruce? Happy Birthday!!!

    It's also Google's birthday. I usually pretend that their birthday Google doodle is for me, but this year they didn't post one.

  8. Johnny Wallflower9/27/2022 03:15:00 PM

    Happy birthday, Miss C!

  9. Happy birthday, Miss C.

    May the best of this year be the worst of the next.

  10. Happy birthday Miss C! Many happy returns!

  11. Thank you for your sweet wishes, everyone!

  12. Songs about birthdays by the Beatles: 2
    Songs about birthdays by Cake: 0

    Happy birthday, Miss C!
