Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Another Anniversary


Yesterday, I saw that it was August 22nd, and that seemed important, but I couldn't recall why. My daughter's birthday is on the 22nd, but that's in April, so I convinced myself that I was just reacting to the number. Today I realize that it was the anniversary of this blog! My first post went up on August 22, 2005, which makes Miss Cellania 17 years old. That's a long time. I'd gotten the itch to blog since a couple of folks in my online parents group were doing it, but my old tangerine iMac G3 was incapable, so I had to order a new computer. As soon as I set up my new Mac Mini, I was posting away!

Since then, I've worn out two Mac Minis and two iMacs, and am now on my fifth blogging computer. I went from Blogger to Squarespace and back to Blogger (and lost a lot of content). Miss Cellania now has 37,500 posts, with quite a few being reposted years later and a ton of them suffering from link rot. I learned long ago not to use link-shortening URLs because eventually those services go out of business, and even if the target link is still good, you won't find it. Of course, back then I never anticipated I'd still be doing this 17 years later. It was just a hobby, something to do with my time after my husband died in 2004, and a way to reach out and make new friends. Turning it into a career was pretty much an accident.

In those 17 years, I've moved house, raised two kids, remarried, acquired five more kids, became widowed again, grown old, and worked for a half-dozen other blogs. I've made a lot of friends along the way. I've learned a million new things. I still enjoy building this site, even when I feel pressured, if I'm being honest. How many more years will this blog last? I have no idea, but going at it one day at a time has turned into 17 years, so anything is possible.

This is as good a time as any to say THANK YOU to all of you for coming to visit. Thanks to you who have commented, sent links, taught me stuff I need to know, shared my posts, and recruited your friends to enjoy Miss Cellania. You are what keeps me going.



  1. Thanks for the memories, Miss C! Looking forward to another 17 years of interesting posts!

  2. Congrats from all us New Zealand anons, Miss Cellania!


  3. wow!Congratulations! I've been visiting since your daughters were littles. Thank you for all you've done in all 17 years. Your site is fun and informative and so enjoyable.
    We're all getting older but remember that today we're as young as we'll ever be!

  4. Keep it going Miss C. I check your blog all the time...one of my day's wee highlights!

    Cheery bubs

  5. Congrats! I am constantly amazed by your work.

  6. Happy Blogoversary, Miss C! This blog rocks! Thanks for keeping us all both informed and amused!

  7. As a fan from the beginning, I say thank you and congrats! A day without Miss C is a boring day for sure!

  8. As another long-time blogger (18+ years) I salute you, you have been in my daily bog-roll for years.

  9. Thank You!! You've done more for us netniks than we could ever repay.
    You've become the standard for class acts on the web.

  10. Thank you for all your hard work at making my day a lot more fun. This is my first stop after my morning GoComics (admittedly, it used to be second after Arbroath) and following your links often take me down the very best rabbit holes. Here’s to many, many more years!

  11. You're welcome. But more importantly, thank you. A lot of us have learned new stuff right along with you and it's always interesting to be sent down a rabbit hole because of one of your posts. And then there's the ear worms - oi. Still, I do love being a card-carrying member of your peanut gallery and hope it all continues for many more years. Live long and may the Force be ever in your favor.

  12. Thank you for what you do. I'm a daily reader and really appreciate your mix of thoughtful and fun collections.

  13. Congratulations! I hope you keep blogging for a long time to come.

  14. Happy Anniversary, Miss C! May there be more as long as you wish!

  15. With all the stressful things that can be found on the internet, your site can be counted on to provide light hearted, entertaining, and educational content, so I make sure to check it every day.

    Thanks for giving us something to look forward to every day. and to make our lives more bearable!

  16. Happy Blogoversary - thank you for being an internet caretaker!

  17. Daily reader here. Thank you for making each day better.

  18. Thank you for continuing-when so many other blogs have given up. have been enjoying your site for years!

  19. Congratulations MissC! And still funny and interesting as the first day.

  20. Thank YOU, Miss C! You deserve all these compliments and more! (And you are not the only one who has those I-feel-that-there's-something-I-should-remember days.)

  21. Happy blogiversary!

    Thank you for all the work you put in to finding interesting stuff.

  22. Long time reader, linked from Cynical-C about 2008. Thanks for many fun posts along the way. -deepsea33

  23. Yup, your blog is bright spot in a world of bad news. Thanks you.

  24. Happy blogoversary to you,
    Happy blogoversary to you,
    Happy blogoversary dear Miss C.,
    Happy blogoversary to you!

  25. Wow - 17 years of professional blogging!

    Good work, Miss C. I can't even remember what I was doing in 2005.

  26. Better late than never.  Congrats, Miss C.  It's said that if a person finds something they love to do, they will never work a day in their life.  I think your blog's longevity proves that point.

    And I hope you continue to perform this labor of love so long as there is an internet to find it on.


  27. Thank you! You give me happiness on a daily basis

  28. in a world gone nutz, thars the dozen blogs that never failed to provide a laugh or usefull link

    Congrats on the blogoversary !!

  29. Congratulations and thank you for being a big part of my mornings!

  30. You're the best, Miss C! Thanks for being there.

    from Bad Newspaper and Bad Menu (coming back soon). Also from Funny2 still up, (much to my chagrin).

  31. Thank you for years of entertainment and interesting content!

    And wishing you many more :)

  32. I love your blog Miss Cellania. It's regular weekday reading for me and really helps when I get bogged down at work. Thank you so much!

  33. Thank you so much, everyone! I am blown away to hear from daily readers who don't normally comment. I get a big smile on my face for every one of these comments.

  34. Don't ever stop! You're my morning go-to over my coffee. Love you. Thanks for all those yars - and many more to come.

  35. Wow I thing I have followed you all that time from here in Australia!!!
