Thursday, July 21, 2022

Miss Cellania's Links


Inside the Mind-Boggling World of the Antiquities Theft Task Force. The best interview I've read this year. (via Metafilter

The 50 Greatest Fictional Deaths Ever. (via Fark, where you'll find plenty of other contenders)  

The Hotel-Spirit. Bringing back a grand American institution could transform society.  (via Digg)

Lucky Ducky solves inflation. The latest from Tom the Dancing Bug.

How Aerosmith and Run DMC's "Walk This Way" Forever Altered the Landscape of American Music.

An Old TV Cabinet Makes a Delightful Cat Bed.

Norway's 2019 Death Diving Championship. Contains NSFW language, diving. (via Digg)

Arizona communities would 'collapse' without cheap prison labor, corrections director says. (via TYWKIWDBI)

Five Scenes We Are Glad Were Cut from Classic Movies.


  1. 2,500 years of culture eh. That's an awful lot of ground to cover.

    Deets' death in Lonesome Dove had a bigger impact on me than McRae's.

    Pac-Man? Seriously?

    Tony Soprano doesn't count.

    Where are Bruce Wayne's parents?

  2. Matthew Bogdanos, Head of the NYC stolen antiquities unit.
    “We in law enforcement have extraordinary powers, we have extraordinary authority. And we should be transparent in the use of that authority.”
    Granted, Bogdanos is a straight up Dudley DoRight, but I wish more cops had that attitude.

  3. Miriam, you big show-boater!

  4. Gee, if only Arizona were near a poor country where thousands of people would be willing to cross the border and work very hard for low wages.

  5. The sreaming blonde lady convinced me to write this.
    Compelled greetings from Bavaria, Germany
