Sunday, May 08, 2022

The Worst Movie Ever

When the subject of the "worst movie ever" comes up, someone will always mention The Room, Plan 9 From Outer Space, Howard the Duck, Birdemic, Troll 2, and Manos the Hand of Fate. James Rolfe of Cinemassacre disagrees that any of these films are truly bad. Movies that are unintentionally funny because of their poor execution are still entertaining in their own way. Movies that were produced in order to be considered "bad," like Sharknado, don't count, either. The truly bad movies are the ones you've probably never even heard of, but Rolfe will introduce us to one movie that is so bad that you don't even want to read about it, much less check it out. But if you can't help yourself, you can read about Wavelength here.



  1. I see this was the work of a Canadian filmmaker and artist.  Methinks the Canadian winters done froze his brain.

    And from the Wikipedia:
       "Wavelength ranked 102nd in the 2012 Sight & Sound critics' poll of the greatest films ever made..."

    I don't know what those critics were smoking, but it must have been some really good stuff.


  2. Sorry. Just one man's opinion. Further
    from Wikipedia:

    Wavelength is often listed as one of the
    greatest underground, art house and Canadian
    films ever made. It was named #85 in the 2001
    Village Voice critics' list of the 100 Best
    Films of the 20th Century.

    Can't be both worst and greatest.

    My money remains on The VelociPastor
