Monday, May 02, 2022

The Evolution of Dance 1950 to 2019

This video flew under my radar in 2019, but it's better late than never. These guys in Ricardo Walker's Crew are darn good dancers. I was especially impressed that I knew all the songs, even the more recent ones. In compilations like this, I usually zone out somewhere in the late 1990s. Once I had kids, it was hard keeping up with pop music.


  1. Thoroughly enjoyable but the guys left off the highly popular Fancy Like dance.

  2. The Fancy Like dance appears to be from 2021, and this video came out in 2019.

  3. WOW, this is brilliant, thank you. I found you via the lovely Debra at She Who Seeks. I knew 99% of them, just a couple of the more recent ones I didn't know.

  4. Loved this! I"m also here from Debra's "She WSho Seeks" ~ congrats!

  5. I knew most of the songs. Not so much some of the newer ones.

  6. Ok that was pretty hot. Think I need a cool shower.
