Friday, May 06, 2022

Miss Cellania's Links

Nonuplets Celebrate their First Birthday. They weren't even supposed to survive birth. (via Fark)

What Killed the Brontës? Make sure you're not eating when you read it. (via Metafilter)

The teen brain tunes in less to Mom’s voice, more to unfamiliar voices, study finds. (via Damn Interesting

Dracula Daily Unfolds Bram Stoker's Novel in Real Time. Subscribe to have an entry sent to you each day to experience the terror until November.  (via Metafilter)

Brazil's First Female War Hero. Maria Quiteria enlisted in the army as a man, but even when she was outed, they kept her because she was such a great soldier.

I dunno, she seems like a fun date to me.

A tribute to Otis the King. Have a hanky ready for this one.

10th Grader Invents Non-invasive, Mind-controlled Prosthetic Arm.

Why Star Trek's Spock was a Vulcan. He was originally supposed to be from Mars!

The new Disney cartoon: DeSantis! The latest from Tom the Dancing Bug.

Comic of the Day: A Cat and A Dog Share Their Fears.


  1. The nonuplets are darn pretty cute, but that's a worse environmental crime than the Exxon Valdez.

  2. Graveyard water. It's the hint of arsenic that gives it that extra kick.

    Great googly-moogly, happy Friday Miss C!

  3. Nonuplets proud Dad didn’t go to the delivery, has visited the family twice in a year, and the government has picked up the tab for most everything including paying the people actually doing the work. No wonder he’s pleased as punch.

    Maria Quitéria de Jesus taught her fellow soldiers what smart men have known for a long time. The secret words for survival are “Yes Dear”.

    When they say keep both hands in sight, that robotic arm under a trench coat could be up to something.
