Thursday, May 12, 2022

Miss Cellania's Links

Passenger with No Flight Experience Lands Plane in Florida. (via Boing Boing)

The Twelve Principles of Finding Things. (via Metafilter)

Why do film posters for comedies always have huge red letters? It's tradition!

A new poll shows many Americans are afraid of immigrants for a completely nonsensical reason.

The First Twin Study on Coffee Consumption. We didn't learn anything, but the results were quite entertaining.

The Trouble with "De-Extinction" Projects. (via Real Clear Science)

A Former Toxic Waste Dump Sells for Over a Million. A third of an acre required 30 years of cleanup.

Parents Share 30 Absurd And Funny Everyday Things Kids Overcomplicate For No Reason At All. 

Uncle Russ Gets Wet to Save a Fox Kit.


  1. As a coffee drinker, I declare Gutav's death a just one.

  2. The toxic property reminded me of a PA Doctor with a sideline of coating needles with Radium. He had a lot of sand in his cellar he used as shielding, but over time it became pretty contaminated. He replaced the sand from time to time selling the old sand to local masonry contractors who made mortar to build brick houses or plaster walls. The Doctor and his family all died off with cancer and when the feds figured it all out, instant super-fund site in the neighborhood. They carted off the house and about 6 or 8 feet of topsoil in barrels.

  3. That Things Kids Overcomplicate reminds me of Michael McIntyre's brilliant stand-up about trying to leave the house with children. It's worth every minute:
