Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Miss Cellania's Links

Kestrel Father Steps Up When His Mate Dies.

A Guide to Arranging Supermarket Flowers Like a Florist. (via Nag on the Lake

This is how many lives could have been saved with COVID vaccinations in each state.

Dumplings Around the World.

Dear "Normal" Apolitical People. Driftglass tells it like it is.

24 Fascinating Facts About UFOs.

He Saved Himself from Death in the Arctic- with His Own Poop. Peter Freuchen had many accomplishments, but this is the one he's remembered for today. (via Digg)

The Pros and Cons of Organic Produce.

The Mansion That Inspired The Great Gatsby.

Today is primary election day in Kentucky. I'll go to the polls and wait for a few Republicans in front of me to fill out their eight-page ballots and then I'll have a single page to deal with. Sure, there are some Democrats running for office, but they are mostly unopposed in the primary. There will be a few non-partisan judge races, which is weird because who am I to make a hiring decision on judges? At least they all have law degrees this time. And I get to select who should be the sacrificial lamb who has to deal with Rand Paul for the next few months. But I will go, because I will never miss an opportunity to vote, no matter how futile it seems at the time. Keep hope alive, because it might make a difference someday.


  1. I always just vote against all the judges on the theory that since justice doesn't seem to be served in America, the judges must be part of the problem. If you have a better idea, let me know.

  2. Well, I voted. I didn't have to wait at all, since there was no one there besides the poll workers. And I didn't get to vote for any judges; they are apparently all in other districts. There was only ONE race on my ballot! So I voted for the senate nominee.

  3. Miss C is smarter than the average bear, with the attitude every voter should have.
