Sunday, May 08, 2022

Medieval Abortion Law

The opening skit on Saturday Night Live last night referenced Supreme Court justice Alito's draft opinion on abortion, which cited 13th century jurist Henry Bracton, who proposed that abortion be outlawed after "quickening," or when a fetus begins to move on its own. That varies, but usually happens at about 20 weeks, although some laws of the past put it as early at 40 days. The point of the skit is the ridiculousness of relying on medieval men's opinions for laws in the 21st century. Another source cited in Alito's opinion was the 17th-century jurist Sir Matthew Hale


  1. I read that Missouri is joining Louisiana in making IUDs and Plan B illegal.
    Arizona GOP senate candidate calls for condoms to be banned in all states.
    Idaho Rep. says that he wants to legislate banning Plan B and possibly IUDs.
    And the Taliban has passed a law that states all women must cover their faces if outside their home.

    All these old men making laws to force women to obey ancient writings from a book written by old men, thousand of years ago.

    Laws regarding women should be made by a consortium of women between the ages of 21, so some life experience and, excuse my crassness, menopause.

    Not by wrinkly old misogynistic men.

    Not by any misogynistic men.

  2. I wonder what would happen if someone reminded the American Taliban – sorry, the right-wing Republicans – that these anti-abortion/anti-birth control policies, if enacted, are going to disproportionately affect minorities, low-income citizens, people of color, and undocumented immigrants.  These will, in effect, create a mini baby-boom amongst these demographics, leading to an ever-increasing percentage of 'undesireables' (at least so far as the Republicanazis are concerned) as a part of the American population.

    And if they think that their male privilege, white superiority, political power, and efforts to "Make America Great Again" is threatened now, they're gonna absolutely go bug-fuggin' nuts then.

