Friday, May 06, 2022

John Green on Banned Books and Empathy

Some words of wisdom.

My kid came home a few years ago rhapsodizing about some John Green book, probably one that was made into a movie, and I told her, oh yeah, he works at Mental Floss. She was gobsmacked. I never could get her to read Mental Floss, or any other site I worked for. Yeah, I worked with Green, Ransom Riggs, Ken Jennings, and a few other people you might know, I told her, and she was finally impressed with what I did for a living. I didn't bother to tell her that work was all remote, and I'd never met any of them. But bragging about such things implies a comparison- how come I never wrote a book or got famous? That would have bothered me ten years ago, but now I am trying to gradually retire.


  1. Retire *and* write a book. If it is YA or non-fiction, I have connections.

  2. Great video! I like how he thinks!

  3. Agree with Green also.

    And thank my lucky stars Miss C is retiring s~l~o~w~l~y... a sudden stop would be catastrophic for the mental health of we minions.

  4. Bruce, this blog is not a job; it's a hobby. Retirement shouldn't affect it.

  5. But if you retire you might spend a lot of time in Monte Carlo, Paris, Bangkok, Hong Kong, or Hawaii and not have time to do all the work this requires.
