Monday, May 09, 2022

Call the Police


  1. 9/11 - if you see something, say something.

  2. Chanhassen is a suburb of the Twin Cities, which is in Minnesota.  People in Minnesota support the Vikings and the Twins.  They elected a pro wrestler with no political experience to as governor (which, for all I know, is where Trump, another person with absolutely no political knowledge, got the idea to run for president)>.

    The raccoon was probably acting normally.  It's the PEOPLE that are the strange ones up there.


  3. BB-
    I drove along Powers blvd just this evening, right past Lake Susan Hills Drive.
    And I voted for Jesse in 1998.

    I turned 20 that year, it was my first time voting. I'd probably vote for him again, well, if it was still 1998 I mean.
    In 2020 I voted for Bernie Sanders for president. I think I have a thing for "independents."

  4. If a raccoon is acting strange then there's a substantial possibility that it has rabies. Reporting it is the sensible thing to do.

  5. The Burn vs. The Body. Pro-wrestling and politics have a lot in common.

  6. I'm with peter, report it so the appropriate people can deal with it if they decide it's rabid.
    The police coming to check it out, even if don't know rabies from cooties, would help alert the neighborhood of a possible hazard to kids and pets.
    You know, if you see a cop Warn-a-Brother.
