Friday, February 25, 2022



  1. And then he voted.
    For a Repugnicant.


  2. Cabramatta is in Australia (a suburb of Sydney), so he probably voted for the Australian equivalent.

    He may be no longer with us; this letter was published in 2013 and Google didn't find any more recent ones.

  3. Carl Sagan died in 1996 so this is probably close to 30 years old now. We have begun paying for all the misinformation about climate change which is what the oil companies wanted all along ... to pass the cost to consumers.

  4. It is actually a tad over 8 years old now. The letter to the editor from Bill Thomas appeared in the September 22, 2013, edition of The Sydney Morning Herald in response to an article in the September 14, 2013 edition of the same newspaper. The article was headlined, "The little spacecraft that could." The piece was about the 36 year journey of Voyager 1. Carl Sagan is not mentioned in the article, nor is there anything about climate change.
