Sunday, December 05, 2021

Ugly Sweater Blues

Ugly Christmas sweaters have been with us since forever. Since it became a meme, manufacturers are providing intentionally ugly sweaters, which kind of misses the point. What's the point? I have a story. About ten years ago, Princess asked to borrow my Christmas sweater. Sure, I said, and was glad she was starting to share my tastes. She came home that day proud to have won the high school's ugly sweater contest! I never wore that sweater again, especially since I'm now at the age you expect a woman to obliviously wear an ugly sweater. Anyway, enjoy the song by JD McPherson. (via Nag on the Lake)


  1. LOL @ your story! Quite a rude awakening, eh?

  2. Cute song, and funny anecdote!

    I didn't know that ugly Christmas jumpers (sweaters) were a thing until the last couple of years. Christmas is hot in the southern hemisphere! Last year I did see one retailer trying to sell "ugly Christmas t-shirts", but I don't know successful they were.
