Wednesday, December 08, 2021

Miss Cellania's Links

Why is There a Shortage of Christmas Trees? Curiously, the reason behind the shortage has nothing to do with the pandemic or with supply chain issues. (via Metafilter)

Soccer Team Gets Puppies Adopted.

Secondhand IKEA Furniture Can Bring in Big Bucks. But only if they are old and rare. (via Nag on the Lake

The First Woman to be Executed by Electric Chair. Martha Place was not a good stepmother. (via Strange Company

Horton the Justice hears a… Who? The latest from Tom the Dancing Bug.

450 Years of American House Styles. (via Bored Panda)

You're Not Gonna Believe What Else Viagra Can Do. (via Damn Interesting

Infidel753 explains the evolutionary pressures on the covid-19 viruses.

People Love to Pet This Dog in Prague. I guess he's a good boy. (via reddit)

A blast from the past (2014): 8 Parasites that Create Zombie Animals.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, but what can you do with her? lock her in a padded cell for the rest of her life? Treat her, pronounce her cured, and then trial for murder? Or pronounce her well and turn her loose on society? She is a problem, an expensive time and resources eating problem. Society doesn't like those types of problems and will expedite a solution.
