Friday, December 24, 2021

Miss Cellania's Links


Children's letters to Santa in 1921. (via Fark)

The 10 Least Successful Holiday Specials of All Time. (via Nag on the Lake

Minnesotastan's first letter to Santa Claus, circa 1950.

11 Unusual Victorian New Year's Traditions.

Honest Holiday Tweets From Parents.

Puppies in Pajamas Visit Pediatric Patients. They will warm your heart, too.

New Christmas Entities by an Artificial Intelligence Algorithm. 

Who was the Real Ebenezer Scrooge? (via Damn Interesting)

Steller’s Sea Eagle
Spotted in Massachusetts. The story is delightful because the birders were so excited, and their enthusiasm for something we know nothing about is contagious. (via Metafilter)

A blast from the past (2020): The greatest Christmas song of the 23rd century.


  1. Hi Miss C. Of course you've been a good girl. It's all here in black & white & color. Put everything on autopilot and enjoy the day(s), hopefully with your family.

    Merry Christmas.

  2. OMG, keep that Artificial Intelligence Algorithm away from Christmas!
    Hope you all enjoy the holiday celebration of your choosing.
    Thank you Miss C for all you do for us.

  3. Jumpin' jiminy, talk about coincidence!!  The "The 10 Least Successful Holiday Specials of All Time" was written over 15 years ago by a guy named John Scalzi... who also wrote a novel entitled "Redshirts" which played on the famous trope and won the 2013 Hugo Award for Best Novel.  And by some amazing line-up of cosmic forces, my dermatologist recommended that very book to me yesterday during my appointment!

