Thursday, December 02, 2021

Jingle Bells

This will make you laugh and maybe bring back memories. It was recorded more than ten years ago, so the statute of limitations has run out on these musicians. So many clueless commenters insisted this must be a joke and they're playing badly on purpose, while others castigated the conductor. The truth is, as many parents know, is that these are first year music students. They've only been playing their instrument for three or four months by Christmas, probably having class once a week.

The first time I went to a school band concert for my kids, I was flabbergasted at how the fifth grade band sounded. But that's how it starts. They always begin the concert with the youngest kids if there is more than one grade playing. The only people in attendance are their parents and grandparents anyway, and they are all stifling their horror. Then they move up to sixth grade band, then junior high, then the high school orchestra. If your kid is in the beginner's band, you get to see how they will progress in the future if you encourage them to stick with it. If your kid is in the high school orchestra, you get to see how far they've come.  


  1. The think system. From Music Man.

  2. My kids' school started them on the recorder in 2nd grade. Fifty 7-year-olds wielding implements of sonic torture. It was epicly horrible.
