Thursday, September 02, 2021

Miss Cellania's Links

The Finalists in The 2021 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards. Once you've decided which one you like best, vote for the People's Choice Award here. (via Bored Panda)

Hitchhiking By Train To Amtrak’s Ghost Town. Thurmond, West Virginia, has a population of five people who care about it very much.

You don’t have to love your body. (via Infidel753)

The Enduring Midwestern Mystery of Blue Moon Ice Cream. Those who've eaten it still don't know what flavor it is.

Something tells me that the lawyer for Kyle Rittenhouse and 17 insurrectionists may be kinda sketchy. (via Fark)

Tiffany Stained Glass Cookies by Ella Hawkins. Inspired by vintage Tiffany Studios lamps, they are decorated in stained glass made from gel food coloring and vodka. (via Everlasting Blort)

Computer-Generated New Yorker Cartoons Are Delightfully Weird. (via Damn Interesting)

Study Suggests That Dogs Can Tell When You're Keeping Snacks From Them on Purpose.

Have you seen the Airliner 10? have you seen what Photoshoppers can do with it? Probably NSFW.

A blast from the past (2016): 10 Famous Birthdays to Celebrate in September.


  1. Dogs know if you've been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake.

  2. The People's Choice ? Is there another choice ?
    Animal photos maybe should be judged by ... ANIMALS ?

  3. Animal photos may be judged by Judges, Photographers, Women, Firemen, AI, etc
