Wednesday, September 01, 2021

Longboarding Close Calls

Josh Neuman is a longboarder, skating down mountains at terrifying speeds, avoiding cliffs, pebbles, road signs, walls, other longboarders, and the occasional motor vehicle. He hasn't killed himself yet, but in ten years he's had some close calls, which he recounts in this top-ten video. It contains NSFW language, and may cause vertigo or queasy stomach. (via Geekologie)


  1. If I was this kid's mother, I would spank his ass so hard, he'd wish he'd have fallen off that board on it at 120 kph.

  2. Not a case of 'if' he's going to get hurt, maimed, or killed, it's mpre a case of 'when'.


  3. One day he is going to kill himself and quite possibly an innocent motorist or motorcyclist. That video alone should be enough to get him prosecuted in any sane world. He needs locking up.

  4. For the record, let me just say that there is real exhilaration in cutting it loose and letting the good times roll on a long downhill.  I've hit the far side of 45 mph on a couple of downhills while touring on by bike and the 'pucker factor' was still somewhere up in the double-digits, even though I was still in full control and was always ready to grab a double handful of brakes if it became necessary.

    In his defense, at least one of the clips (#6, judging from the size of the group involved and the hay bales on the one corner) looked like there was some sort of event where the road was blocked off, like they close off the roads for the Tour de France when it goes through. Others, though, were definitely 'free-style' on roads otherwise open to traffic ... though it does appear like some of these were in Europe where the likelihood of meeting an oncoming car is far less than here in the good ol' United States of Automobiles.

    Although I was seriously wondering what he planned to do when he got to that stop sign at that 'T'-intersection in clip #7 ... unless that slip-and-slide WAS his exit strategy.


  5. At the Geelologie link, he talks about how they close the roads to film these stunts, but it's not a perfect system.
