Tuesday, August 31, 2021

The Wit and Wisdom of Football's Funniest Coach

Montana Tech's former coach Bob Green was always ready with the perfect simile or one-liner that could induce a spit-take. You might not remember anything about the football analysis, but he always made you want to listen to him. just try to hold your laughter through this compilation or you'll miss the next joke. (via reddit)


  1. Lol, the guy is funny.
    From out here in the rest of the world, and yes, Americans, there are other countries, 196 of them .... where was I ? ... oh yeah, from out here in the world American football is pretty much unknown, I mean we have heard of it, it's called gridiron, right ? but we don't really understand how it works.
    Me personally, being bought up in a matriarchal Welsh family, that moved to England, then Peru, then Australia, then HERE, I had a scant but mixed education in ball sports, ... being fairly big at 13 I was forced to try out for Marist Brothers School Boy rugby, but being foreign and APPARENTLY a soccer player (I wasn't) it didn't end well for me ... but over years I learnt how rugby works, and rugby league (same but different) and even soccer (they fall over if you blow on them) ... but never gridiron.
    Guess I'll look it up on one of the search engines one day ... it has cheerleaders, right ?

  2. You got me... I don't understand football at all.
