Monday, August 30, 2021

Miss Cellania's Links

How Tom Cruise Prepared for the Biggest Stunt in Movie History.

Tramp, the Beloved Police Cat of the Richmond Hill Police Station. (via Strange Company)

How to Get Republicans Vaccinated. (Thanks, Bicycle Bill!)

A Honest Review of Billy Joel’s “We Didn’t Start The Fire.” (via Metafilter)

How One Artist Makes New Art From Old Coloring Books and Found Photos.

An office installed a beehive at work to coax employees back. The Twitter thread about it is both tragic and hilarious. (via Everlasting Blort)

Scientists Discover World’s Northernmost Island. (via Damn Interesting

I Can’t Stop Thinking About This Subreddit That Collects COVID-19 Deniers Who Then Suffer the Worst. 

The Beauty of a Rhodochrosite Stalactite.

A blast from the past (2013): When Gamers Decorate: 7 Awesome Video Game Rooms.


  1. Honest Review? Tom Breihan says up front he hates the song with an unreasonable passion? That’s as bias as it gets.

  2. Honest review my ass. Written by a typical millennial.

  3. That wasn't a review of "We Didn't Start the Fire", that was one person doing the biggest hatchet job on something since Lizzie Borden took an axe and gave her mother forty whacks.

    Let's face it, when he starts out the third paragraph by flatly stating that he hates the song, and the rest of the paragraph is over-the-top metaphors for just HOW mucch he hates it, he surrenders all claims to credibility as a 'journalist' and becomes just one more keyboard-pounder telling us over and over again why HE didn't like it.

    Is it Billy Joel's best?  No.  Has he written better songs?  Yes.  But you can say that about just about every performer/artist/songwriter/band in history.  And what does the fact that he's played Madison Square Garden so many times have to do with the quality – or lack of it – in "We Didn't Start The Fire"?

    Personally, I think this guy just plain doesn't like Billy Joel, period.

