Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Food-Obsessed Cat

Ginger cats tend to be large, friendly, and convinced that they are the king. My Apollo is like that. Trekkie is all that, plus he is obsessed with food with no regard at all to the cats and people around him, much less the house rules. 

Apollo doesn't fight for anything resembling food like Trekkie does, but he always shows up for the evening dinner of Fancy Feast at least an hour early, and he must be fed outside to prevent him from taking the other cats' portions.


  1. What a silly cat ROFL

  2. Huh - we had a big tomato-soup orange tabby, years ago. He was the single most food-motivated cat we ever had. He climbed in the sink once, to eat something off the plates we'd used at dinner that night, and he cut his leg on a knife. He was so busy eating off the plate, he left blood in the sink. We cleaned him up and had the vet put a stitch in him, but we quit leaving any plates with food on them out where he could find them.
