Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Work Email Bingo

If you work for a normal company, this is most likely funny and relatable. I can go for the funny, but it doesn't happen to me. I've been with Neatorama for 15 years now, and when you work for a company that small and internet-savvy, you rarely need to communicate at all, and when you do, the email works as it should. This Bingo card is brought to you by Matt Shirley.


  1. What do I win for a full card? Overtime?

  2. Where I work we get all of these every day.

    The funniest is when there's an email complaining about a vendor with a 'reply all' that accidentally includes the vendor. This leads to some awkward moments.

  3. 15 years? I'm glad they are smart enough to know when they have the best and retain them.

  4. The issue with double spacing after a sentence is? And don't get all technical with font kerning and stuff because I don't care. I still do it because apparently it drives some people bat$hit and I enjoy that. Also, old habits Die Hard. Which is a Christmas movie.
