Friday, July 23, 2021

Miss Cellania's Links

While the international Olympic Summer Games are getting started in Tokyo this weekend, Fairbanks, Alaska, is hosting the World Eskimo-Indian Olympics, as they have every year since 1961 (except for 2020). The 2021 competitions are going on now through Saturday.   

Why Do We Call a Software Glitch a ‘Bug’?

Here’s how hard it is to vote in Texas already.

What words should mean, based on how they are spelled. This is really clever.

I Learned My Hometown, In New Jersey, Welcomed The KKK. A bit of research could uncover thousands of stories like this.

What I Learned about American Men as a Translator at a Matchmaking Agency. The men using international dating websites had troubling ideas about the shortcomings of American women.

Switzerland's Gravity-defying Solution for Irrigation. (via Damn Interesting)

One really weird saint. (via Strange Company)

A blast from the past (2014): Know Your Citrus.


  1. I'm thinking Infidel753 should add miscellanea to the list. Just saying.

    Happy Friday Miss C!

  2. Wait ... the Tokyo Olympics are only the Summer Olympics ?
    The newspapers here are calling them THE Olympics !

  3. Yeah, there will be no bobsled in Tokyo. The Winter Games are next year in Beijing.
