Tuesday, April 20, 2021


Honestly, I can say that it offends me a little bit when people leave the American flag out in the dark or in the rain, or when they let it get tattered and fly it anyway, or when they mash it up with another design, or when they make clothing out of it. That's all against the flag code. But I try to stay chill, because it's done out of ignorance in most cases. (via Pleated-Jeans)


  1. I remember how shocked and appalled people were in the late 60s when Abbie Hoffman wore his American Flag shirt (seen recently in the movie "The Trial of the Chicago Seven.") They got much more worked up over that than seeing the American flag used in an unjust war in Viet Nam.

  2. The more things change, the more they stay the same. I know a few women who were totally scandalized by Colin Kapernick kneeling during the anthem. They weren't at all concerned by the deaths he was protesting.

  3. Yeah, the flag clothing thing gets me. When it was anti-establishment Hippies it was rude, but since then it's the America love it or leave it crowd most of the time.

  4. Reader from Europe here; it always amazes me the gravity this is given in the US. It'a akin to indoctrination imho. If you grow up in a country where flags are only visible during national holidays or (big) sports events, no-one is offended by a flag on a shirt or whatnot. Still proud of our country though!

  5. Back in the early days the US is so large, the terrain, lifestyles, religions, even languages so varied, the flag was the only thing we had in common to put us together as a nation.
