Monday, March 01, 2021

Miss Cellania's Links

A Brief History of Ketchup and Mustard. A video is included if you'd rather watch than read. (via Strange Company)

Meet 7 groundbreaking Black scientists from the past. (via Metafilter

Adventures in Stereograms. Learn their history and see some experimental examples. (via Damn Interesting)

The Fever That Struck New York. A young doctor kept an account of the 1795 and 1798 yellow fever epidemics that caused him to leave medicine for good. 

The good enough parent. (via Kottke)

In 1923, John Moses Baitinger of Minnesota received a patent for a restaurant system that brought food to diners on a sort-of conveyor belt. Diners grabbed what they wanted from little railroad cars!

I’m a Short Afternoon Walk and You’re Putting Way Too Much Pressure on Me.

Dogs in the Arctic. They've made human life possible there for 17,000 years. (via Strange Company)

A blast from the past (2010): 10 Ways We Use Corn.


  1. Poppycock! Ketchup/Catsup is made from tomatoes which were unknown outside of Central America until 500 years ago, and weren’t commonly eaten in the rest of the world until 300 years ago. It has nothing to do with fish or China, or all that other crap. Real Ketchup is made by Mr Heinz, and badly imitated by Mr Hunt.

  2. Oh Bruce. I'll agree that Mr. Hunt and his
    liquefied tomato paste is a very distant
    third in the Ketchup wars, but have you
    ever tried Mr. Del Monte? Less sugar, more
    spice. Much more better.

  3. And then, if you can find it, there's Brooks.


  4. The only true Ketchup is the blood of my enemies!
