Tuesday, December 01, 2020

Verifying Your Humanity is Harder Every Day

Every once in a while, you hear that a ridiculous percentage of internet users are merely algorithms. We design tests to exclude bots from making new accounts, leaving comments, or even consuming content. The bots are taught to pass the tests. So more complicated tests are designed. It has come to the point that  a human not only has be human to pass these tests, but superhuman! Comedian Stevie Martin illustrates how we all feel competing against algorithms that have more patience, faster reflexes, and better eyesight than we do. In this version, the tests are not only difficult, but judgmental as well. (via reddit)


  1. I'm human, I swear it! (Well, most days.)

  2. I left that country about 60 years ago, I'm sure they had gone metric then .... but she said miles.
    Do you think she meant Myles, did she chase that man FOR Myles ?

    Ha, I now live .... what country is this, honey ? ... I now live in New Zealand (which isn't even Dutch) and we went metric on December 14th 1976 (14/12/1976 is how you really write it) but we still all say 'its miles away' or 'you can see for miles'.

    I build little houses, I work in millimetres (spelt correctly) but ask me how tall I am and I say 6 foot and half an inch (I'm not, I'm 1.82, but .. vanity)
    Ask me how much I weigh though and its all kilograms ... no idea what a stone is anymore, or a hundred weight or an ounce.

    When the aliens come .. will they be metric tall or imperial tall ?
